Open Food Facts Press Kit

Get material for compelling stories on food transparency, the scan revolution we're igniting and the importance of creating open commons to foster and sustain a healthy food debate.

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Press Contacts

We will be very happy to answer all the questions you may have, please e-mail us at

Anca Luca

Anca Luca

president of Open Food Facts NGO

Stéphane Gigandet

Stéphane Gigandet

founder of the Open Food Facts association

(+33) 6 88 96 17 49

Pierre Slamich

Pierre Slamich

co-founder of the Open Food Facts association

(+33) 6 02 13 14 57

Table of contents

Note: This press page is also available for France, Spain, Belgium, United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Vietnam and Brazil.

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Key Facts about Open Food Facts

You can find more information on the pages linked throughout.

Open Food Facts is a food information database unique in the world:

  • collaborative : comparable to Wikipedia, it has 60,000 contributors
  • international and no limit to size and products: born in France, it now contains 3,000,000 products in more than 180 countries - 16 countries have more than 1,000 products, 8 more than 8,000
  • freely reusable (open data): dozens of companies, researchers, innovators freely reuse the data for their own use
  • strictly independent of agribusiness, it is run by an association under French law, law of 1901.

With 300,000 users/month, Open Food Facts has already become, in 11 years only, the reference for food information in several countries. It supports research and public policies aimed at a healthier diet.

The 5 major success stories of Open Food Facts?

Creating the first freely reusable global database on food products

More than 700,000 products identified by more than 16,000 contributors. The Open Food Facts data is also published on the official French open data portal,

Informing the general public and professionals

The consumer app is installed on more than 750,000 phones or tablets. The site and the application are used by 100,000 users / day and 6 million users per year.

Promoting nutritional quality indicators

For 3 years, Open Food Facts has been supporting the roll out of Nutri-Score in 5 European countries. In France, Open Food Facts has been displaying the Nutri-Score since 2015, before its officialization. In Spain and Belgium, Open Food Facts also precedes the adoption of Nutri-Score by these countries. Open Food Facts also helped bring ultra-processing in the limelight by computing the NOVA classification, and made ecological labelling a reality by computing the Eco-Score at scale.

Creating and maintaining an ecosystem of uses and research

Since its creation, Open Food Facts has developed a real ecosystem of reuse of its data. Since the Open Food Facts data is freely reusable, several information sites, start-ups, research laboratories, teachers, etc., have started their activity and / or use the Open Food Facts data daily: Yuka, Foodvisor, Scaneat, Ya Quoi Dedans (What’s inside) (Super U), Buy Or Not,, My Nutritional Info…

Change the practices of manufacturers

For 2 years, Open Food Facts has helped to change the practices of the food industry; they know and rely on Open Food Facts to compare and improve their products. Many companies spontaneously communicate the data of their products on the platform: Fleury Michon, Super U, Carrefour, Casino, etc.

Who uses the Open Food Facts data?

It would be too long to name all the organizations that build on the Open Food Facts platform.

  • More than 100 applications for mobile phones that meet the needs of various audiences: diabetes (VeryDiab), allergies, food balance via artificial intelligence (FoodVisor), disabilities, and more. Our base also allowed the creation of Yuka.
  • Many websites:,…
  • Data-journalists: Le Monde's Decoders, BFMTV
  • Researchers in nearly 100 scientific articles
  • Food banks and solidarity stores: Data For Good project in the continuity of a pilot project initiated by the French Red Cross, integration into the cash management of a small food cooperative.
  • Established companies: Terraillon to bring its connected kitchen scales to life.
  • Programming schools (Simplon, Open Classrooms) have integrated Open Food Facts as a motivating project in their curriculum.

Open Food Facts in numbers

Those numbers might help convey the large, direct and indirect, impact of Open Food Facts

A number of products growing exponentially

products, contributed by volunteers and producers alike

Open Food Facts has more than 1 000 000 products in 182 countries

Number of languages in which Open Food Facts is available.

Open Food Facts, on top of App Store rankings

Number of people directly using our website, Android, iPhone or Windows Phone app to scan barcodes, get informed and contribute pictures of products.

Many apps made possible by Open Food Facts

apps and services enabled by Open Food Facts

Some of the many scientific papers made possible by Open Food Facts

number of scientific papers based or citing Open Food Facts

For everyone - Open data

Active contributors that ensure the quality of the Open Food Facts database

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Selected Open Food Facts media appearences

Open Food Facts media mentions

All media mentions we could find between 2012 and now.

(In French) Full press review about Open Food Facts

Screenshots of the iPhone and Android version of Open Food Facts

iPhone and Android

Eco-Score resources

powered by Surfing Waves

Our latest communiques

Our full list of communiques is coming soon. Future communiques will be listed here.